Using HVAC to Combat Indoor Allergies

Indoor air quality is something that homeowners often overlook, but it’s a common cause of allergy symptoms. The good news is that there are ways to clean up airborne dust particles within your Winnetka, Illinois, home. It can be as simple as changing the air filter more frequently on your HVAC system. Let your family breathe a little easier this winter by taking these simple steps to combat indoor allergies:

Schedule Regular HVAC Maintenance

Scheduling regular maintenance will ensure that your HVAC system is running efficiently at all times. You don’t want allergens creeping into your house at any point, and a properly working HVAC system will decrease that risk. A clean filter will prevent allergens from spreading in your home.

Regular maintenance checks also prevent small problems from becoming bigger and more costly. A skilled service technician can give you a heads-up about potential issues. As a result, you’ll be able to repair the issue immediately and avoid a bigger problem later.

Address Humidity Concerns

Increasing or decreasing humidity inside the house can help control allergies. For example, the dryness of winter can affect people with skin sensitivities. In this case, it’s important to add moisture to the environment. To do this, you can add a whole-house humidifier to your furnace.

Sometimes there can be too much humidity in the air, causing asthma sufferers great discomfort. In this case, consider adding a dehumidifier.

Change the Air Filter Often

To reduce allergens in your home, change the HVAC air filter at least every three months. Air filters clog and get dirty, causing your furnace to work harder to push the air through. Changing filters often will stop allergens from circulating in your home and prevent high energy costs.

Purchase a Quality Air Purifier

Once you have ensured that your HVAC system is working properly, consider adding a whole-home air purifier to collect any remaining allergens. Air purifiers are quiet and quick, and they actually trap air pollutants. A vacuum cleaner, on the other hand, can circulate the dirt back into the air.

Keeping your HVAC system clean and running efficiently is an easy and effective way to improve your indoor air quality. To help keep you breathing easily, contact Carefree Comfort, Inc. at 847-388-0115. Our team can take care of all your HVAC needs and help you combat allergies.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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