5 Signs Your AC Compressor is on the Fritz

The AC compressor allows your air conditioner to transfer heat from inside your home to the air outside. Learn these five signs that your AC compressor in Northbrook, IL, is on the fritz and in need of a repair.

Less Cool Air

When your AC compressor fails, it doesn’t pressurize the refrigerant enough to vent the heat it absorbs. This causes warmer air to flow from your vents instead of cool air. Additionally, it can lead to frozen coils, reducing the overall volume of air coming from the vents.

Tripping Circuit Breaker

When your AC compressor starts having issues, it’ll often draw more power than intended. This leads to the air conditioner’s circuit breaker to trip, shutting it down.

The breaker may trip for other reasons, so it’s OK to try to reset it once or twice. However, if it continues, don’t try to force it to stay open. Instead, call to have a service technician find the cause.

Clicking, Ticking or Rattling Sounds

Your outside condensing unit should only make a whirring sound as the condensing fan spins. A clicking, ticking or rattling sound likely indicates something has broken or come loose, which could happen inside the AC compressor. You can frequently avoid these sounds when you have routine HVAC maintenance, which includes inspecting and testing the system.

Cool Air Venting From Your Condensor

As your condensing unit runs, you should have warm air venting through the top of it. When that air isn’t warmer than the outside air, you have a telltale sign that your AC compressor isn’t producing enough pressure.

Trouble Starting

Pay attention to how your condensing unit starts. Your compressor could be to blame if it’s slow to start or if it shutters or shakes as it starts.

You don’t have to wait for your AC compressor to fail completely before getting it repaired. Call to schedule your AC repair with our NATE-certified service technicians at Carefree Comfort Inc. today.

Image provided by iStock

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