How to Reduce Water Heating Bills in Your Highland Park Home

Reduce Water Heating Bills Your home’s storage tank water heater does its job quietly, and nobody notices it until it runs out of hot water or stops working entirely. However, studies suggest that this nondescript appliance is the second biggest energy user in your home after the heating and cooling system. In an average home, the water heater uses 14 to 18 percent of the total energy each year, and this is reflected in high water bills. Fortunately, there are a variety of ways you can reduce water heating bills in your Highland Park home.

4 Ways to Reduce Water Heating Bills

  • Use less hot water. Take shorter showers; don’t leave water running while you’re shaving; and wash full loads of dishes and clothes. You also can use less hot water by installing low-flow shower heads and faucet aerators.
  • Insulate the tank. Much of the energy that goes into a water heater tank is wasted in standby heat loss. This occurs because of how traditional water heaters operate. They heat the water and then it sits in the tank until somebody needs it for something. While being stored in the tank, the water loses its heat through the tank’s thin walls; this is known as standby heat loss. It’s more common in older water heaters that don’t come pre-insulated, which is typically standard in modern storage tank units. If you have an older model tank water heater, get an insulating jacket or blanket to ensure the water stays hot as long as possible.
  • Insulate the pipes. A lot of heat can be lost through uninsulated pipes, too. Wrap the pipes leading from the water heater with insulating tape.
  • Turn down the thermostat for the water heater. Most water heaters are kept at a high temperature – 140 degrees and above – and that’s not necessary for the vast majority of household uses. Turn the temperature down to 120 degrees and you likely won’t see any negatives.

For more helpful advice on how to reduce water heating bills in your home, please contact us at Carefree Comfort, Inc. Heating & Air Conditioning. We provide quality services to Highland Park, Northbrook, Lake Bluff and the surrounding communities.

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