3 Reasons Proper Ventilation is So Important

You probably know that proper ventilation is a major key to indoor health and comfort here in Deerfield, IL. Here are three reasons proper ventilation is so important:

Controls Indoor Condensation

When humid air cools quickly, it loses its ability to hold moisture. This happens in homes when hot, humid outdoor air meets dry air-conditioned indoor air. The excess moisture then condenses and forms water droplets on cold surfaces like windows and walls inside a building.

Condensation buildup can damage your walls, carpets and furniture. Proper ventilation is one of the best ways to control condensation and humidity indoors. It’s also a great way to help regulate indoor temperatures year-round.

Reduces Indoor Allergen Concentration

Inside buildings with poor ventilation, allergens like pollen may enter and become trapped inside the building’s air envelope. For allergy sufferers, that creates an uncomfortable, unhealthy environment. Proper ventilation provides a means of filtering allergens out of your indoor air without introducing more of them, as might happen if you opened a window.

Lowers VOC Concentrations

Poor ventilation can create unhealthy conditions in indoor air by allowing the concentrations of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) to reach unsafe levels. VOCs come from various common sources like air fresheners, cleaning products, pesticides and paints. Once they reach sufficient concentrations, they can cause ill health effects, including throat irritation, headaches, dizziness and more.

Proper ventilation prevents the buildup of VOCs in indoor air. It does so by cycling fresh air from the outdoors into a building and exhausting the stale, VOC-laden air to the outside. In that way, they make indoor air safer to breathe and less likely to pose health-related problems to anyone inside.

At the end of the day, everyone wants to breathe clean, safe air indoors. And nobody wants condensation to wreak havoc on their building and belongings. Therefore, the need for proper ventilation is apparent for both homeowners and commercial building owners.

The experts here at Carefree Comfort Inc. provide comprehensive indoor air quality services and solutions. We can advise you on how to achieve proper ventilation in your home or office, and we’ve been serving the Deerfield, IL, area since 1984. Call to find out how your indoor air quality could benefit from a ventilation system today!

Image provided by iStock

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