Is a Tankless Water Heater Right for Your Home?

Tankless water heaters are known as on-demand heaters because they provide hot water only as needed. This can be more cost-effective than the storage tank method in which a large quantity of hot water is kept on reserve whether it is needed or not. But how do you know if a tankless water heater is right for your Northbrook, Illinois, home?

How Tankless Water Heaters Work

Tankless water heaters are designed so that when you turn on the hot water tap, cold water is sent to the heating unit. The heating element, powered either by gas or electricity, heats the water. This process enables tankless water heaters to consistently deliver hot water. There is little time wasted waiting for water to warm up and there is no worry about running out of hot water because there is no reserve tank and the water is heated as it is used.

Most tankless water heaters will produce at a rate of two to five gallons a minute. Gas-fired heaters have a higher and faster flow rate than electric heaters because they facilitate a faster heating process. It is important to remember that even the best gas-powered tankless water heater might not be able to produce enough hot water for simultaneous usage. For example, running the dishwasher while trying to take a shower might put too much strain on the heater, and there might not be enough hot water. To overcome this problem, contact your qualified plumbing professional, who will perform an assessment to determine the solution that will work for your home.

Professional Solutions

Whether or not tankless water heaters are best for you depends on your budget and the needs of your household or your typical water usage. For more information about tankless water heaters, contact the pros at Carefree Comfort, Inc.. today. We provide the plumbing solutions you need. Call 847-388-0115 to speak with a member of our team or to schedule an appointment for service or a consultation.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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