How Poor Indoor Air Quality Impacts Your Health and Home Comfort

Poor indoor air quality causes a wide range of uncomfortable health symptoms. If you notice that your health feels worse while you’re inside your house and better when you leave, there may be allergens or pollutants in the home. Here are the ways in which poor air quality affects your health and comfort:

Irritates the Eyes, Nose and Throat

As soon as you’re exposed to poor indoor air quality, you may develop symptoms that mimic a cold or allergies. The following are some of the most common short-term symptoms:

  • Watery eyes.
  • Coughing.
  • Nasal congestion.
  • Sneezing.
  • Headaches.
  • Fatigue.

You may not attribute these symptoms to the air quality at first because there are so many other health conditions that cause them. These problems can get worse over time, though, so people often struggle for months or even years before realizing that the air quality is the cause.

Causes Breathing Problems

Certain pollutants can cause long-term breathing problems when you’re exposed for a long period. Dust and pollen are particularly harmful for your respiratory system. Here are some common signs of respiratory issues:

  • Wheezing.
  • Difficulty taking deep breaths.
  • Sore throat.
  • Frequent nose bleeds.
  • Worsening of asthma symptoms.

Increases the Risk of Chronic Disease

Unfortunately, long-term exposure to poor indoor air quality may lead to serious illnesses like heart disease and lung cancer. The risk varies depending on which pollutants are in your home, but many allergens make breathing harder, which forces your heart to beat faster. If this continues for many years, there may be irreversible damage to your body.

Poor air quality may seem like an inconvenience at first, but the effects are serious. You may experience uncomfortable symptoms when you’re actively exposed to the pollutants, and you may develop long-term health conditions as a result. No one should feel sick or unsafe simply from living in their own home. To improve your house’s air quality, contact Carefree Comfort Inc.

Image provided by Thinkstock

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