Boosting Your HVAC Efficiency with a Ceiling Fan

Highland Park, Illinois, homeowners hoping to boost their energy efficiency this summer merely need to flip a switch. Running your ceiling fan in conjunction with your HVAC system offers numerous benefits, so be sure to turn on those fans to maximize your savings.

Ceiling Fans Help Reduce Energy Bills

It may seem counterintuitive, but running your ceiling fan during the summer can actually improve your energy usage, not add to your utility bills. Ceiling fans help to circulate conditioned air so you feel cooler, allowing you to set your thermostat to a higher setting than you normally would.

To get the most from your ceiling fan, be sure the blade rotation is set to counterclockwise, as this direction forces air downwards, creating that much-needed wind-chill effect. Adjusting your fan direction is easy with a remote control unit, although some ceiling fans require you to flip a switch on the fan itself.

The Benefits Aren’t Limited to the Summer Months

There’s a good reason for needing to understand your fan’s blade rotation, and it has to do with whether you’re hoping to achieve cooling or warm air dispersal. By setting your ceiling fan to a clockwise blade rotation, the blades draw cooler air toward the ceiling, helping to ease the burden on your heating system. Taking advantage of the year-round benefits is one way to ensure your HVAC is constantly getting a boost.

Ensure Your Ceiling Fans are Properly Maintained

Maintaining your ceiling fans is simple. Once a year, you’ll need to inspect the unit for any loose screws or signs of damage. While switched off, clean the fan and lubricate it if necessary. As a part of routine home cleaning, keep the blades clean to prevent dust and other debris from circulating whenever the fan is turned on.

Keeping your air conditioner properly maintained is also key, but it’s nice to know that ceiling fans can help alleviate some of the AC’s burden of cooling your home. Contact Carefree Comfort, Inc. at 847-388-0115 for all your air conditioning service and maintenance needs.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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