4 Ways to Stay Warm Without Turning Up the Heat

As the temperatures start to dip in Glenview, Illinois, energy costs to heat homes go up. While you can stay warm and keep your home comfortable by turning up the heat, several smart home choices can help you to maximize your home’s heating efficiency.

Add a Rug

As the warm air rises, you will find that lower areas of rooms remain cold. If you have hardwood floors in your house, then you know how cold they make your feet. A few area rugs strategically placed throughout the home, can help to make you more comfortable. This is also great as a bedside treatment.

Treat Your Windows

Windows can be a significant source of heat loss. Thick, insulated curtains can help to block the cold air from coming in or warm air from moving out. In addition, you can seal cracks or leaks in windows with inexpensive material such as caulk or weatherstripping.

Cover Up

We can resist the urge to turn up the heat by dressing appropriately. Put away the summer gear and pull out the sweaters and slacks. The thin sheets that were great for summer should be replaced with flannel sheets or sheets made from other types of thicker material.

Try Space Heaters

Your central air system might not effectively heat the entire house. Also, it can be somewhat inefficient to heat the entire house when only a few rooms are occupied. Space heaters are an inexpensive way to bring direct warmth effectively to a small area. Just be sure to exercise caution when using these products. Turn them off, and unplug them if you are leaving the room or your home for long periods. Also, make sure there is enough clearance between your heater and other items such as curtains or furniture, to prevent fires.

Before the extreme cold sets in, it is a great idea to find ways to stay warm without relying too much on the heating system. This will help you to reduce energy consumption and save as well.

You want to be sure that when you turn on your heating system that is in good working condition. If you have not yet set up annual furnace maintenance, contact, Carefree Comfort, Inc. today at 847-388-0115.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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